Be Hypnotized And Become A Force To Be Reckoned With….

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”                  C.S. Lewis Do you ever wonder how some people are able to overcome what appears to be insurmountable obstacles? Are you intrigued by people who look like they are about to succumb to their opponent but manage to triumph at the very last moment? …

Pleasant Dreams: Hypnosis Can Help Dreams Come True

Do you ever lie awake at night wracking your brain for a new idea or inspiration? Have you restlessly tossed and turned over an unsolved problem for hours on end? Perhaps your final thought before sleep is a longing to dream of something which might offer a clue. Well…it is not such a far-fetched wish! Sometimes dreams do come true! …

Hypnosis and Transition

Have you ever had anxiety or trepidation about transitioning? It might be about starting a new job or joining a new club, or it could even be about moving to a new city or studying in a foreign land. Sometimes in these situations, seeking needed help in a timely fashion might feel overwhelming or almost impossible. Well, in this era …

Hypnosis and Public Speaking

Public speaking! The very idea conjures up a fear for most of us that is completely overwhelming and paralyzing. Presenting yourself and being analyzed by an audience whether it be one or many may cause sweaty palms and shaking from head to toe . In addition, it exacerbates feelings of self consciousness, inadequacy and embarrassment to the degree that one would rather run away …