The Old-Fashioned Way? How To Attract Others and Find Love
Sometimes It Is Worth Returning to What Still Works
The online-dating industry has exploded in the last decade. Marketresearch.com reported that its worth was $2.5 billion in 2015 and forecasted growth to $3.2 billion by 2020. New sites seem to come along every couple of years. Match.com appears to remain the pack leader with the many platforms they own under the umbrella of Match. I discussed all of this in previous articles.
Some people have splendid success with online dating, while others do not. Often, deception rears its ugly head through catfishing and scamming. Ghosting remains alive and not so well.
For those disenchanted by online dating, there are other ways to meet. How about the old-fashioned ones?
The pandemic continues to challenge, and gatherings away from Zoom remain less than optimal, but the light grows stronger. Nothing stays the same, and although the road has been long and winding, this too shall pass.
As we remain hopeful, let us examine alternate ways to find an ideal mate for you:
Meetup.com is a newer way to connect.
It continued throughout the pandemic via Zoom, and to accommodate people’s meeting from the ends of the earth will remain this way.
However, for more local gatherings, things are opening up.
What made me think about Meetups? One of my friends shared that her daughter’s therapist suggested an excellent way to connect with others and, perhaps, meet a potential partner. When my friend conveyed this to me, I agreed, having recommended this service, but it never occurred to me to use it for dating possibilities.
Many Meetups are fulfilling various interests.
For example, if you want to learn a specific language, join a book club, or play a musical instrument with others, you will find a Meetup to accommodate you.
Men and women take part in these fabulous get-togethers.
What if you see nothing of interest? Create your own. That is the beauty of Meetups.
Are you fearful of having two left feet? You know what? So what? You can teach an old dog new tricks, so why not try? Many people refuse to dance because of self-consciousness and ridicule based on the past. I get it, but as an adult, you can have a corrective experience, fun, and with the potential of meeting the one.
Not always easy after a certain age, but as I wrote in a recent article, one of the most beautiful and sensual dances you can learn is the Tango. It is majestic to observe, and you can express your passion and sexuality without engaging in sex.
Another form of dancing that can attract all kinds of individuals is swing. There are the eastern and western styles. I have heard many people experiencing joy from this festive form of dance. There are lessons and clubs fit for all levels.
The ballroom is another dance style appealing to individuals wishing to partner up for the FoxTrot, Waltz, ChaCha, and more.
Are these two-some-type dances not your cup of tea? How about line dancing? I had a friend who met her husband at an Israeli line dancing event.
Dancing may not bring you the love of your life, but many people develop long-term friendships because of a shared passion for dance.
Taking a Class
Another way is a new class. It could be college-related, such as acquiring your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Others could be non-academic, developing a new skill, cooking, or learning a musical instrument or other craft.
Some attract more women than men and vice versa. However, there are often surprises. Many men love to cook so ladies you might find gentlemen in your class. Who knows? What do you lose by exploring?
A Few, Last Thoughts
These few ways will attract all kinds of people. Will you find your partner of choice, the love of your life? Like life, there are never guarantees. The least, you will learn something new, and shouldn’t we all continue to strive for that? Also, you may meet a pleasant group of friends, and invaluable connections are not always easy to come by. Last but not least, perhaps true love is out there waiting to be discovered. How sweet that would be!
Your Turn
I invite you to share your thoughts. I look forward to reading and engaging with vim and vigor!
Photo by The Paris Photographer on Unsplash
Originally published on the media platform, Medium, under @darleneGetUnstuck.