Love In All Its Glory

“The Power of Love in all its glory has no bounds…”

What is the Greatest Virtue?

There are many opinions about the greatest virtue of all. The influential philosopher Aristotle believed it was courage. The brilliant orator Cicero thought it was gratitude. Others see it as being humility. Although one could argue that each has merit in being the coveted winner, to me, the virtue of love achieves the gold medal among these luminaries. I believe St. Valentine would agree.

The Legend of St. Valentine

As mentioned in an earlier article of mine, there are many legends about St. Valentine. My favorite is the one in which he secretly and valiantly performed marriages prohibited for soldiers under Roman law. Obviously, Valentine thought that love prevailed above all else and paid the ultimate cost, his life.

As a result of the many legends about St. Valentine, the annual celebration symbolizing his sacrifice is most recognized as the day for romantic love. How could it not be? Gorgeous cards with endearing notes, flowers, chocolates, wining and dining and special gifts are often shared between spouses as well as lovers in all relationships. Enchantment, passion and desire are highly commemorated on this holiday.

The Truth May Reveal Itself

For some, Valentine’s Day may also be a day of reckoning. Several years ago, I read an article in the Wall Street Journal which indicated that Valentine’s Day was a favorite for private investigators. Sadly, betrayals come to light on this very special day. The aggrieved often discovers that their spouse is giving similar delights to their lover as they try “to have their cake and eat it too.”

The Many Aspects of Love

For the most part, however, Valentine’s Day is a day of celebration for all forms of love. Although romantic love is emphasized, there are many others which do not only express fireworks but the long enduring flame. Since there is no greater love than parental love, mothers often give their beloved children cards. Children reciprocate by giving their mother the desired token of expressing love. Yes, dads like recognition too, but let us face it, women are the ones who truly yearn the surprise of the eloquent card inscribed with love from…

Friends give each other cards. I recall as a child that my young classmates and I exchanged Valentine’s Day cards as tokens of goodwill and friendship. For many, this ritual continues into adulthood. Now they are referring to female friends’ Valentine’s Day as Galentine’s Day. Although I see the ingenuity in this naming, it excludes men, such as wonderful friends, devoted husbands, loving brothers and important dads. Why bother to change the name? Let us include all forms of love with special people and continue to refer to it as Valentine’s Day.

I am sure St. Valentine would have no issue with celebrating love beyond the romantic and passionate realm. The power of love can be like an elixir with no bounds in its curative factors. Like many of you, I have seen this throughout the course of my lifetime especially witnessing it in my work as a helping professional. Truly, there is nothing which holds a candle to the mighty power of love.

The Power of All Love

Whether it be romantic and passionate, maternal or paternal, love between friends including four-legged ones, enjoy the celebration of this most eminent virtue. Whatever you believe about the influence of St. Valentine, there is no doubt in my mind, he is smiling from afar.

Happy, Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy and celebrate a beautiful reminder of the magic of love!

Photo by Rizka Khaeroni