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How Can A Bonanza Of Thanks As A New Year’s Resolution Excite Life?

I often reflect on the idea of New Year’s Resolutions, and I never seem to think of one in particular. This year, I ponder it again, and here is what I have concluded, more gratitude.

Marcus Aurelius believed gratitude is the greatest of all virtues. As I have often said, I think it is love, but I do not want to minimize gratitude’s significance and impact on me and others.

I have written about this theme several times. In 2016, I wrote an article on LinkedIn, With Gratitude, 2016, Here I Come, and I reviewed it for the first time in years. I see how grateful I was. Since that time, not much has changed regarding my zest, energy, and appreciation. What has prompted me to write this article? Now that I am six years older, age 64, I continue opening the door, ushering more gratitude.

Why is expressing gratitude a resolution?

There is never enough of it.

Growing Old Is A Privilege

Several years ago, I saw a young person for brief therapy.

The individual lived in a third-world country for months and was bothered to see no older people.

His observation is embedded in my mind forever.

Many people complain about aging.

Diseases often ravage the mind and body.

Loneliness because of lost connections may incur, and lack of purpose may exacerbate futility about the future.

Because of increased depression, suicide in older adults is highest.

Do I sound pessimistic? I hope not, but it is essential to point out the possibilities to fix them.

We cannot control certain illnesses afflicting us, but we can prevent some through proper diet and exercise. Also, as an older adult, I believe that a lack of purpose and connections is fixable, but one must not be fixed in thought to consider this.

Gratitude Beyond Words

Words cannot express my appreciation for living in the present. I have some challenges like many others, but my blessings are tenfold. For decades, the time to retire and die was age 65. No way for me unless our maker determines otherwise.

The twenty-first century offers endless possibilities.

My profession of being a therapist and hypnotherapist allows me to remain working as long as I choose.

As a writer, I will continue until the end of my unique narrative arrives.

What do I plan on doing with my optimistic outlook? I will encourage others to consider their dormant gifts, talents, and abilities, asking why not explore what lies beneath.

Excuses proliferate for being too tired or too old. No, I say. I am a woman of a certain age, but I refuse to succumb to such nonsense.

When I have a tough day, I will remind myself of the gift of a long life, thanking God he has given me another day.

I will express more gratitude than I did before. Each time I receive an inspiration that might help others through work as a therapist and writer, I close my eyes and whisper thank you.

Right now, I am amid a significant writing project. The inspiration that pops into my mind at night only furthers my resolve to express an abundance of gratitude, and when it is my time to depart this earthly life, I hope to smile and say thank you!

Photo by Error 420 ? on Unsplash

Originally published on the media platform, Medium, under @darleneGetUnstuck.